

BRAWL3R is an online multiplayer 2D platform fighter game similar to the Nintendo Super Smash series. Players and teams compete to knock their opponents off the stage, and the game ends once only one team remains.


The stage is composed of a ground tile and three platform tiles. Players can pass through the platform tiles when jumping upwards and drop through them with the down arrow key. Players cannot pass through the ground tile.

Lives and Damage

Every player starts with three lives and loses a life each time they exit the playable game area. The playable game area extends 6 units to the left and right of the ground tile, 10 units above the top platform, and 10 units below the ground tile.

When hit by an enemy, a player is knocked back and incurs damage. Damage takes the form of a percentage, called the damage multiplier, and increases the knockback of incoming attacks.


Players can move left and right with the arrow keys, jump with the up arrow key, and drop through platforms with the down arrow key. Players have one double jump, which resets when the player returns to the ground. Double-tapping a side arrow key triggers a dash, which is a fast burst in that direction. Each character has unique movement stats such as speed, dash speed, and jump height.


Players have four unique attacks, each consuming an amount of energy doing different damage and knockback. Ranged attacks consume ranged energy and melee attacks consume melee energy. Both melee and ranged energy replenish over time


Ranged Attack

Each character may have different damage and knockback for each of these attacks. For instance, an Aptomingo's side melee may do 50% damage and 100 knockback, while an Aptos Monkey's same attack may do 60% damage and 80 knockback.

Shield + Dodge

Players can shield by holding the Left Shift key or dodge by pressing the Left Shift key while holding one of the side arrow keys.

Shielding consumes shield energy, which is reduced when a shield is hit and replenishes when the shield is not active

Dodging does not consume energy, but can only be used once while airborne before returning to the ground

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